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What you should know about Cranberries!

Holiday time means turkey and cranberries for many of us. As you enjoy these tasty dishes, know that cranberries are helping you stay healthy. Pilgrims called the fruit “crane berry” because its flowers looked like the head of a crane. Native Americans enjoyed the benefits of the berries. The deep red color comes from polyphenols that are powerful health protective antioxidants. Research has shown that cranberries promote health of the heart, urinary tract, and respiratory tract.

Cranberries are naturally very low in sugar, so manufacturers sweeten canned cranberries. Just 1/4 cup can have 24 grams of sugar and 110 calories. Juice is similarly high in sugar. Enjoy the holidays guilt-free but afterward get the health benefits of cranberries all year long. Make homemade sauce with natural low calorie sweeteners, or take MDR Cranberry Concentrate with your daily supplement regimen. Each capsule is equivalent to 2-3 glasses of juice without the calories.
